January 31, 2009
I decided to explore around on Glassy Mountain around a mile from our house. I drove the gator up as far as I could on logging trails and then headed out on foot.
On the way up I spotted some turkeys. They weren’t bothered by the engine noise. It is hard to see them in the photo which shows how good their coloring hides them.

I then walked along logging trails heading generally East along the South side of the mountain, moving towards Christ Rock Camp Rd. The old logging roads were in fairly good shape except for a few steep spots. The trails would branch at times, and I would typically take the branch that moved upwards or stayed level.

Here is a map showing the general locatio/direction where I hiked. This is not GPS derived or anything, just showing what I think the general location was based on landmarks I saw.

There were a numer of small streams and trickling waterfalls along the rail. I could tell these would normally be larger but there is not much water now due to the drought.

Here is the view of the intersection in Hwy 11 and Hwy 101:

Here are some other small waterfalls along the way:

There was also some beautiful green moss:

I stopped hiking when I cold see a paved road in the distance. It was time to head back by then. The weather was beautiful with a few small clouds blowing through the blue sky. Almost no sounds other than a few woodpeckers and the sound of waterfalls. Hard to believe, so close to Hwy 11…
Good pictures!