Here are some pictures of wildlife on the mountain.
A flying squirrel that our cat hunted down.
Large bear paw print with claw indentations. March of 2013.
Young black bear walking down the road.
Timber Rattlesnake on our driveway
Bobcat On Glassy During the Day
Bobcat at Night on Glassy Mountain
Small bobcat watching me
Small Bobcat on Glassy Mountain
Colorful Lizards on Glassy Mountain
Black Snake on Glassy
Eastern Hognose Snake on Glassy Mountain
Bear prints in our garden after it visited our porch. Front paw on the left, back paw on the right.
Alligator Lizard on Glassy Mountain – not sure of the real classification
Crawfish crawling down the road on Glassy Mountain
Turkeys on the Road
Young Bear Walking on the Road
Hawk (Red Tailed I believe) on Glassy Mountain
Red Tailed Hawk Closeup
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Hi There,
I enjoyed visiting your website today. I’m a neighbor at The Cliffs. I have two great close shots of a mother bobcat and her kitten that I took 3 weeks ago through my utility room glass door. I would be happy to send them to you. I just love the wildlife on our mountain.
Beautiful, i am happy to see the wildlife is alive and well on Glassy Mountain.We live in Dacusville area and have seen a lot of wildlife on our property. WE have a lot of turkey that hatch there young here ever year.a lone coyote that visit the deer corn a few times a week.we saw bears the 1st time in 20 years in our yard in June of 2015. We use to hear the packs of coyotes and a bob cat now and then . now that more people are moving in the area the wildlife is running out of safe places for them to roam.
Hi There,
I enjoyed visiting your website today. I’m a neighbor at The Cliffs. I have two great close shots of a mother bobcat and her kitten that I took 3 weeks ago through my utility room glass door. I would be happy to send them to you. I just love the wildlife on our mountain.
Stephanie Fletcher
Beautiful, i am happy to see the wildlife is alive and well on Glassy Mountain.We live in Dacusville area and have seen a lot of wildlife on our property. WE have a lot of turkey that hatch there young here ever year.a lone coyote that visit the deer corn a few times a week.we saw bears the 1st time in 20 years in our yard in June of 2015. We use to hear the packs of coyotes and a bob cat now and then . now that more people are moving in the area the wildlife is running out of safe places for them to roam.